As a professional artist with an at-home studio, I’ve found that routines are essential for staying productive and maintaining my wellbeing. To set the tone for the day, I always start my mornings with coffee and quiet time.

Coloring as a Warm-up

I was introduced to ZieBee Coloring materials spring of 2020 and it has been so good for me! Often times when I get to my studio I still feel rusty and intimidated by the work I’m trying to accomplish. If I’m working on a product that will be sold, I become overly concerned about the outcome.

That’s where coloring comes in.

Instead of jumping straight into “the work,” I pick out a ZieBee Coloring Postcard or coloring page that speaks to me that day. I turn on some music, light a candle, get out my colored pencils or pens, and start to play.

Coloring has been incredibly helpful to clear my mind and let go of expectations. There are no wrong answers or bad results. Sometimes I chose colors that match my mood that day, other times I chose colors that signify what I’d LIKE my mood to be.

I’ve also used the ZieBee Coloring Collection to test out color schemes or new kinds of pens/pencils that I might want to use in my own work. I usually keep my drawing warm-up to 30 minutes, after which I feel more confident and inspired to start my work.

A collection of ZieBee postcards handcolored by Jessie Fox, photo by @WhatIfCreations

Alleviating Stress

Stress is a real struggle in this line of work, and it is also a creativity-killer. I’ve had a lot of hard lessons this year, that so many things that affect me and my business are actually beyond my control.

To stay sane, all I can do is focus on the things that I CAN control. I set short-term goals for myself that I know I can accomplish, and long-term goals that keep me focused on the bigger picture. I also limit screen-time because intake of social media, TV, and news seems to have a toxic effect on my attitude.

I chose to focus on things that make me happy.

I enjoy coloring sessions with ZieBee coloring materials because the subject matter is happy and comforting – my brain likes to hang out in the ZieBee world while the noise of reality fades away in the background.

Embracing the Colors Energy

I’m REALLY into the color yellow right now, which is new for me. There is something about yellow that feels so clean and optimistic. Bright yellow hues are exciting, happy, friendly, and sometimes surprising. Mustard yellow is buttery, comforting and earthy. Yellow can also be edgy when paired with thick black lines or when used as a singular accent color.

Creative expression harnesses one’s life force and gives it a voice. Coloring is one of the many ways artists of all levels can tap into the pure creative energy that is inside each and every one of us.

~Jessie Fox

The Heron, 12×18 ZieBee Coloring Poster, a mixed-media handcolored original by Jessie Fox. 

About the Author

Jessie is the creative force behind Portland’s beloved “Whatif Creations.” You can spot her art in coffee shops and cafes, in gift shops and stores all around the city. Her art is bright and smile-inducing, with a weird side that keeps you wondering – Whatif? See more from Jessie Fox at